Manipulate Strings Part III Using Python

Using String Functions Part 3 Of 3

Python has built-in functions for manipulating strings

Some examples are capitalizing the first characters and counting the occurrence of a specified value.

Care must be taken when manipulating strings to prevent errors such as editing the wrong value and deleting the content of a string by accident.

Python String Functions

String Methods

Sample Methods
Name Description Example
join(iterable) Concatenation of strings using separator s = “,”.join(myTuple)
ljust(width[, fillchar]) Left justified string using width and optional padding fillchar l = str1.ljust(20, ” “)
lower() Lowercase characters s = str1.lower()
lstrip([chars]) Remove leading characters s = str1.lstrip(“,.”)
maketrans(x[, y[, z]]) Returns a translation table t = str1.maketrans(“t”, “T”)
partition(sep) Split string at first occurrence of sep p = str1.partition(“about”)
removeprefix(prefix, /) Return string[len(prefix):] if string starts with prefix s = str1.removeprefix(“this”)
removesuffix(suffix, /) Return string[:-len(suffix)] if string ends with prefix s = str1.removesuffix(“Python”)
replace(old, new[, count]) Replace all occurrences of word or character s = str1.replace(“this”, “that”)
rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) Search for last occurrence of word or character s = str1.rfind(“this”)
rindex(sub[, start[, end]]) Similar to rfind() but raises ValueError if no match s = str1.rindex(“this”)
rjust(width[, fillchar]) Right justified string using width and optional padding fillchar r = str1.rjust(20, ” “)
rpartition(sep) Split string at last occurrence of sep p = str1.rpartition(“about”)
rsplit(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) Split a string into a list, using specified separator s = str1.rsplit(“,”)
rstrip([chars]) Remove any white spaces at the end of the string s = str1.rstip()
split(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) Split a string into a list where each word is a list item s = str1.split(“, “)
splitlines(keepends=False) Split a string into a list where each line is a list item s = str1.splitlines(True)
startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) Check if the string starts with prefix with optional start and end s = str1.startswith(“this”, 7, 20)
strip([chars]) Remove trailing spaces with optional chars s = str1.strip(“,.”)
swapcase() Make the lower case letters upper case and the upper case letters lower case s = str1.swapcase()
title() Return title case version of string s = str1.title()
translate(table) Each character mapped through the given translation table s = str1.translate(dict1)
upper() Converts a string into upper case s = str1.upper()
zfill(width) Fill the string with zeros until it specified characters long s = str1.zfill(10)
Name Description Example

# Manipulating Strings Tutorial Part III Inspired By Course 
str1 = " this tutorial, part III is about manipulating strings using Python ends with a space "

tuple1 = ("John", "Jane")
print(" and".join(tuple1)) # Join all items in tuple into a string using specified separator

print(str1.ljust(20, " ")) # Left justified string 20 length and optional padding space

print(str1.lower()) # Lowercase characters

print(str1.lstrip(",.")) # Remove leading characters

table1 = str1.maketrans("t", "T") # Generate mapping table
print(str1.translate(table1)) # Translated string

print(str1.partition("about")) # Search for first specified word and return tuple with 3 elements

print(str1.removeprefix("this")) # Return string[len(prefix):] if string starts with prefix otherwise return original

print(str1.removesuffix("Python")) # Return string[:-len(suffix)] if string ends with suffix otherwise return original

print(str1.replace("this", "This")) # Replace all occurrences of word or character

print(str1.rfind("this")) # Find last occurrence of the string "this"

print(str1.rindex("this")) # Find last occurrence of the string "this"

print(str1.rjust(20, " ")) # Right justified string 20 length and optional padding space

print(str1.rpartition("about")) # Search for last specified word and return tuple with 3 elements

print(str1.rsplit(", ")) # Return a list of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string with optional maxsplit

print(str1.rstrip()) # Removes white space at end of string or optional characters

print(str1.split(", ")) # Return a list of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string with optional maxsplit

print(str1.splitlines(True)) # Split string keeping line breaks

print(str1.startswith("this", 7, 20)) # Determine if string starts with prefix with optional start and end position.

print(str1.strip(",.")) # Remove leading and trailing characters

print(str1.swapcase()) # Make all upper case letters lower case and vice versa

print(str1.title()) # First letter in each word upper case

print(str1.upper()) # Upper case string

print(str1.zfill(100)) # Fill the string with zeros until it is 100 characters long.

Sample String Manipulations
Geany Lightweight IDE Displaying Opened String Manipulations Part III Python File

Python Code
Geany Lightweight IDE Displaying Compiled Python Code Part III To Manipulate Strings

Python Output
Terminal Command Line Output For Python Code Part III That Manipulates Strings


You can use any IDE, text editor or the Python interactive shell to manipulate strings. In this tutorial part III, strings are manipulated using the built-in Python methods.

Open Source

Python is licensed under the Python Software Foundation License. This allows commercial use, modification, distribution, and allows making private derivatives. The PSF License is compatible with other open source licenses.

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Python makes it easy to manipulate strings using the built-in string methods. Strings can be wrapped in single quotes for literal or double quotes for escape characters.

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