Save Inkscape Layers As Bitmap Images
A recent game required the creation of several related images. An image was created as a layer in Inkscape. The image was duplicated as a layer and slightly modified in subsequent layers.
Inkscape can export an area as a bitmap image in PNG format. Exporting individual visible Inkscape layers is tedious. A simpler exporting individual layers exists using the JessyInk plugin.
In this tutorial images will be created using Inkscape and bitmaps will be exported using the JessyInk plugin
- Tools are required:
- Inkscape SVG editor.
- JessyInk plugin for Inkscape.
- Un-archiver to decompress zip files.
Create Images Using Inkscape
Inkscape is required in order to follow this part of the tutorial. Inkscape can be downloaded at Inkscape JessyInk plugin can be downloaded at
- Run Inkscape:
- File -> Document Properties -> Custom size.
- Create image 320px x 50px.
- Create and edit text objects tool -> in red.
- Layer -> Layers -> Duplicate Current Layer
- in yellow.
- Layer -> Layers -> Duplicate Current Layer
- in green.
- File -> Save As -> JavaScript Flip Images
- File -> Save A Copy -> JessyInk zipped pdf or png output(*.zip)
- Settings -> Type = PNG

How To Use:
- Open File Manager
- Navigate to location where the zip file was saved.
- Open zip file in your un-archiver.
- Observe the files inside the archived file.
Demonstration: Inkscape SVG Layers Into Bitmaps Using JessyInk Tutorial

Saving individual Inkscape layers is tedious. JessyInk converts each Inkscape layer into a single slide for presentation purposes. JessyInk has options for the conversion process.
JessyInk allows output to only bitmap PNG files. The files are automatically archived in a zip file.
- Recommendations:
- Rename layers because JessyInk uses layer names as the file names.
- Select PNG option to output only bitmap files.
- Keep the plugin up-to-date by checking for updates.