Implement Array Tuples In Python
An array specifies a variable that can be indexed as a list in rows and columns.
The first index is zero as is common is most programming languages. Python does not have an array data type. Instead the data type list, tuple, set or dictionary can be used.
A tuple is a collection which is ordered and unchangeable allowing duplicate members. Tuples are created using round brackets..
Common Functions For Manipulating Tuples In Python
Common Tuple Functions
Name | Description | Example |
len() | Determine how many items | len(even_numbers) |
count() | Number of elements with specific value | tuple1.count(2) |
index() | Returns index of first element with specified value | tuple1.index(4) |
Name | Description | Example |
Python Tuple Snippet
# Learning Python Array Tuple Tutorial # tuple1 = ("Jake", "John", "James", "Jake", "John", "James") print(tuple1) print(len(tuple1)) # Number Of Items In Tuple print(tuple1[1]) # Display Second Item In Tuple print(tuple1[-1]) # Display Last Item In Tuple print(tuple1.count("John")) # Displays Number Of Elements With Specified Value print(tuple1.index("John")) # Displays Index Of First Element With Specified Value

You can use any IDE or text editor and the command line to compile and execute Python code. For this tutorial, the Learning Python Course Web IDE can used to input and compile Python code for tuples.
Open Source
Python is licensed under the Python Software Foundation License. This allows commercial use, modification, distribution, and allows making derivatives proprietary.
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Python makes it easy to use tuples. Use tuples when you need an ordered, unchangeable array that might have duplicate members such as database records.
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